Casa sul Parco Fidenza panoramica

Friday November 9th 2018,"Casa sul Parco" hostyed the 1° "Active & Passive House Italia" Conference, an event focused on the discovery of all the aspects related to the optimization of the consumptions in the active and passive houses.

The morning has been devoted to the visit of the complex, with a detailed presentation of all of its elements, from the wrap and the materials up to the house's performances' monitoring system.

The event continued in the afternoon, with a thick schedule of technical seminars on the various aspects, opened by the Ing. Max Caruso, President of Active House Italy, Günther Gantioler, Manager of Passive House Institute Italy and Henry Montanari, CEO of Montanari Costruzioni.

Download the complete program here.

1th “Active & Passive House Italia” Conference

Friday 9th November 2018, Casa sul Parco hosted the 1th “Active & Passive House Italia” Conference, an event dedicated to the discovery of every aspect of the energetic and consumption's optimizationin the active and passive houses.

In the morning took place the visits to the complex, with a detailed presentation of all its elements, of the case and of the materials.



The event went on in the afternoon, with a thick program of technical seminaries, started by Active House Italia's President Massimo Caruso, Passive House Institute Italia's Director Günther Gantioler and Montanari Costruzioni's CEO Enrico Montanari.

Download the full programm.